The Best Hobbies for Self-Improvement!

Hobbies for Self-Improvement
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Hobbies aren’t your most obvious source of self-improvement. Usually, you would look toward different habits for this. However, hobbies can play a big role in self-improvement too. You just have to try them!

Reading, meditation, journaling, etc. There are so many hobbies to choose from when it comes to self-improvement. You can work on your knowledge, your character, and your perspective (both on your life and that of others). Hobbies are more than just activities to do for fun. They are tools you can use to feel better about yourself and your actions. Check out these great hobbies for self-improvement:


Okay, I know I add reading to almost every hobby list but it just makes sense!

Reading can be an amazing hobby for self-improvement!

First off, self-improvement can be seen in different ways. You could be developing your knowledge, your status, or your character. Reading can do two of these things.

Reading and knowledge of obviously linked. Books are where you can find a lot of information, if not most. They are an amazing source of knowledge that goes underutilized because people prefer the internet (which you still have to read by the way).

Reading is simply the perfect way to improve yourself. Not only do they have an incredible amount of information, but books also offer a lot of self-help topics, which are great for improving your character. What better way to self-improve than to directly read about how to do it!

I’m not trying to persuade you or anything (wink* wink*), but reading is the perfect hobby for you!


Now, running/walking is not on this list for the reason you think it is. Yes, it is a great form of exercise. Blah blah blah… But running/walking has other benefits that most people don’t typically think of.

Imagine yourself walking around your neighbourhood. You are spending time with yourself, just thinking. (I’ll get back to that). Then you run into your neighbour and strike up a conversation. It goes on for a while but you part ways and go home.

Now, that conversation never would have happened if you hadn’t been outside. I know that self-improvement typically implies an internal change but social relationships are a big part of it too. When you try to self-improve, you also need to think about how you can make better connections with the people around you. Socializing is a skill that a lot of people need to improve, myself included.

Let’s go back to the other benefit. When we are living with others or even alone, we tend to get distracted by our electronics, work, friends and family, etc. The list goes on. However, that leaves very little time for just thinking. We tend to stop listening to the little voice in our heads because we can’t hear it over the noise of everyday life.

By walking or running, you are giving yourself time without the distractions of your everyday life. Sometimes a little bit of time to think goes a long way when it comes to self-improvement.


Meditation is definitely one of the best hobbies for self-improvement. Let’s be honest! This list wouldn’t be complete without it.

Meditation has so many benefits that make it the perfect self-improvement tool. A few literature reviews, according to the NIH (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health), have found a connection between mental health and meditation. This means that they found an improvement in anxiety and depression in people who meditate. Meditation is being used to improve psychological well-being.

Meditation isn’t just a hobby. It’s a whole other way to feel better about yourself. It provides you with time to think and to slow down. The world around us is going at such a high speed that we can’t keep up. Running in that race just tires you out because it never ends.

It’s okay to take time for yourself. It’s okay to stop what you are doing to slow down, even for a minute. Our bodies and brains aren’t meant to work or process things this quickly. By slowing down and taking time to accept, process, and finally release your stress and nagging thoughts, you can start to see your self-improvement.


Personally, I love this option but no one ever thinks of it!

Acting and/or improv are amazing for self-improvement, but you won’t know if you never try it. They are both great exercises to improve confidence and public speaking abilities.

We live in an extroverted world (to the chagrin of all us introverts), which means that we all need to portray these social personas to get ahead in life.

Even to blog successfully, I need to run so many social media accounts to get people to come to my website. I have to be social to write from home (what a weird thing to think about).

I’m simply saying that a little extra confidence can’t hurt!

Acting and improv are amazing ways to grow more confident. You have to put yourself out there in the first place, which might be the hardest part. You have to have the confidence in yourself to act and play the part.

It’ll take some time, but I highly suggest giving it a try!


Out of all of these hobbies for self-improvement, I would probably suggest journaling.

There are plenty of different kinds of journaling: bullet journaling (you can read more about that here), diary writing, junk journaling, etc.

Bullet journaling is great for self-improvement because it helps you work on your habits and achieve your goals. It is the form of journaling that I use. And I love it!

However, when it comes to self-improvement, you might want to start with a daily writing type of journaling.

There is so much we don’t realize about ourselves until it’s discovered in a different way. When we write down our feelings and what happened during the day, it can be enlightening. We might not have known how we were really feeling until we were forced to think about it. There are a lot of emotions we tend to repress, but that isn’t always a great solution.

Awareness goes a long way. Once you become aware of how something affected you, you can work to change it or do it more often.

Journaling can help you figure out what you want, which is a big step in self-improvement. You can’t improve until you know in which direction to move!

Language learning

Language learning is one of the best hobbies for self-improvement. (Though I might be biased. I love languages!).

Self-improvement involves improving your knowledge and your character. What better way to do both than to learn a new language!

First off, you obviously learn something by picking up a new language. It is a great source of knowledge. Learning a new language is amazing for your mental capacities. You are giving your brain a bit of exercise, which everyone needs every once in a while.

Language learning is also great for your character building. A little hardship can only improve your character if you overcome it. (Yes, learning a new language is hard but worth it!).

That new language can come in handy one day. You might choose to travel to a new country that speaks your new language because there is one less barrier stopping you from going. An opportunity you might not have had if you didn’t choose to learn that language.

Language learning might not be the most obvious self-improvement hobby, but trust me, you’ll learn a lot about yourself with this hobby.


Yoga is pretty self-explanatory! it is one of the greatest hobbies for self-improvement, both physically and mentally.

Physically, yoga is great for your body. You both stretch and exercise while engaging in this hobby. Sometimes exercise is needed for self-improvement too. You’ll never feel 100% good about yourself until you feel better in your body. You don’t have to aim for the perfect picture body but a healthy one is always a good start.

However, the part that makes yoga so great for self-improvement is the mental component. Like meditation, you have to slow down for yoga. You slow down your mind and your body.

You can let go of your stresses while doing yoga. No need to worry about anything but your breathing and your poses.

We underestimate how much slowing down and giving our minds a minute to relax can do. Everyone needs a break every once in a while, but we all get busy and are constantly rushing. Yoga forces you to slow down and take a minute to yourself.

When it comes to self-improvement, you need time to heal your mind and body so that you can figure out what you want in life. Yoga helps with that!


Volunteering is amazing for self-improvement. I know I have said that for basically every hobby on this list, but volunteering, in particular, works great for bettering your character.

We live in a world that’s self-centred (at least in North America). We are raised to be independent and to rely on ourselves and no one else. It is what it is.

However, because of this independent mindset, we tend to ignore the problems or needs of others. If you can make it, surely they can too, right?

Sadly, that’s not really how the world works. Lots of people are at a disadvantage and can’t accomplish what you have achieved without a little help. That’s where you come in!

You can help other people by volunteering your time. It doesn’t require all that much effort. You can find volunteer positions that only ask for a few hours at most, but those few hours mean something to the people you are helping.

Volunteering helps you to gain a better perspective on other people’s lives, which in turn can make you more altruistic.

It might not be your goal to care more about others on your self-improvement journey. However, what you want isn’t always what you need. Give volunteering a chance! You might like it!


Last but not least, you can travel for self-improvement. Let me explain!

Have you ever heard of those life-changing trips people talk about or that you have seen in a movie? Well, guess what! Your life-changing trip is still out there and you’ll never experience it if you don’t try it!

Travelling can be a great way to improve your character and even your status. I mean, who doesn’t want to hear about that trip to Peru or that trip to Switzerland? You’ll be the life of the party!

One of the greatest parts about travelling is that you can gain a new perspective. Self-improvement is all about seeing something differently than before and working to change it. Travelling might be exactly what you need to see your life differently.

There are plenty of different cultures out there that make our (North American) way of living seem weird. Personally, I’ve always admired the European ideals of work life. They don’t have to work themselves to the bone just to be able to afford retirement when they are too old to enjoy the things they wanted anyway. (I’m rambling. Sorry!)

Anyway, travelling can help change your perspective, which is why it is one of the great hobbies for self-improvement!

To Conclude…

Hobbies are important for self-improvement! They work to improve your knowledge, character and perspective. It might not seem that important at first. Yet, a little change of perspective can turn your life around and put you on a completely new path. When it comes to self-improvement, you need to know what you want in life so that you can change it. Hobbies can help you with both of those things! Let me know in the comments which hobbies for self-improvement that you like to do!

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Hi, I'm Arianna!

I teach people just like you how to pursue their hobbies in a world that values work over passion! I live in Canada with my loving family and 2 cats. If my nose isn’t stuck in a book, you’ll probably find me painting, or cooking, or whatever other hobby I am working on that week! Why pick one when you can have them all?!

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