How to Fix Having No Motivation for Your Hobbies

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We all go through ups and downs when it comes to our hobbies. We might not always feel motivated to pursue them, even if we desperately want to. I sometimes have trouble getting up my will to read or to paint, but I always come back to my hobbies using these simple tricks.

Watch Videos

One thing that always gets me back into the groove with my hobbies is to watch YouTube videos on the subject. If I am having some difficulty getting back into painting, I go find some painting tutorials to watch. (There are some great YouTubers to watch in my previous post.) When I am down on my luck with bullet journaling, I find some other creators and see what they have been doing. Watching videos is a great way to get back in the mindset of your hobby. And it can be really motivating to see what everyone else is doing in your hobby community.

Buy New Supplies

This tip might not be for everyone because not everyone can drop everything and go buy new supplies. However, buying new supplies will typically motivate you to get back into your hobby. It does not have to be anything big. Buying a new paintbrush makes me want to paint again. You do not have to empty out your wallets to get back into your hobby. It is simply nice to have fresh material every once in a while. A change of supplies might be just what you need.

Find A Way To Apply Your Hobby to Your Everyday Life

Every hobby should have a way to incorporate itself into your daily life. For example, if I want to get back into reading, I will set myself the goal of reading for 15 minutes every morning. That way, I get to read but I do not have to force myself for more than a few minutes at a time. Eventually, you might have yourself enjoying that book and wanting to read more. You might also try listening to audiobooks in the car instead. It might seem forced at first, but with time, you might find yourself enjoying your hobby more now that it has a place in your day.

Try Something New

Not everyone wants to hear that it might be time to change hobbies; however, a change of hobbies does not necessarily imply you lose your others. I have lots of hobbies that I am not currently pursuing but that does not stop me from thinking of them as my hobbies. Sometimes we need to see what else is out there to be able to appreciate what we have. You might find yourself enjoying your new activities, and that is okay. You are allowed to have multiple hobbies, especially if you are in a bit of a slump with some of them.

Take Some Time

It is okay to not be actively pursuing your hobbies. We all need breaks. Some more time might be what you need to get back your motivation. I know how hard it is to not feel the motivation for something you really wish you did. I have had so many reading dry spells. Yet, there is no use in putting yourself down for not feeling motivated. It is okay to need time. You will eventually get back to your hobby, but try not to force it too much. It will only make you feel worse.

It can be tough not to feel motivated for your hobbies, but it will come back to you in time. I wish you all the luck in getting back into your hobbies.


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Hi, I'm Arianna!

I teach people just like you how to pursue their hobbies in a world that values work over passion! I live in Canada with my loving family and 2 cats. If my nose isn’t stuck in a book, you’ll probably find me painting, or cooking, or whatever other hobby I am working on that week! Why pick one when you can have them all?!

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