Great Hobbies for Extroverts to Try

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There are so many hobbies out there but not all of them are geared toward one kind of person. Introverts and extroverts obviously have their own interest. Whereas introverts prefer more solitude, extroverts get more energy from interacting with other people.

Hobbies for extroverts are typically more outgoing and involve being with others. But finding ways to get out there and interact with new people isn’t always easy. Here are a few hobbies for extroverts to make your search for new friends just that much easier!


Comedy is just one of those skills where you almost have to be an extrovert (or a really verbal introvert). You get to tell jokes and have all the attention on you if that is something you want.

Everyone loves a good comedian! They tell the best jokes and are super fun to talk to. If you tell really good jokes, you’ll probably find that everyone wants to hear what you have to say. You’ll be very popular at parties! You’ll be making friends in no time!


Mixology is the perfect skill for extroverts! Everyone has seen at least one movie where the bartender is a makeshift therapist for the customer. You get to talk to people as you make drinks. If you are underage, you can always mix punches or virgin drinks. That’s cool too!

Someone serving fancy drinks is always the life of the party! When someone starts flipping bottles and pouring liquids into a fancy drink mixer, you know that person is the fun one to hang out with.

Even if you don’t end up serving drinks to others, I’m sure you’ll appreciate your own drink-making skills.


Kickboxing is one of the great hobbies for extroverts. Essentially, kickboxing is hard to do alone. It can be done with a punching bag, but what fun is that? It would be so much easier to learn how to kickbox if you had someone helping you or someone to spar with.

You can take a class to learn this fighting style. Classes are a great place to meet new friends or to bring your friends along. The best part about kickboxing is having a good time with your friends. Go have fun!


Of course, dance can be done alone. However, just like kickboxing, it is so much more fun with friends!

When you are dancing, you get to move and exercise while also enjoying your experience. Dance is just one of those things that are always fun!

You can dance anywhere you want. You can invite friends over to play Just Dance or go to the club and show off your moves! Never let your fears of embarrassment keep you from dancing with your friends!


If you have ever met or been a theatre person, you would know that they are almost all extroverts (and a little crazy)! They are so outgoing and ready to shine that you’ll fit right in. Improv people are even more outgoing.

If you love to come up with fun ideas on the spot and you love to make funny scenes, this hobby is for you! You get to be as outgoing as you want. You are only limited by the subject of the skit. If you are really outgoing, improv is great for you!


As an extrovert, you probably have lots of stuff to talk about. So why not make your own podcast? You can talk about whatever topic you want and get your voice out there. If you want, you can also have guests on your podcast. You can have other people to talk to so that you can get their opinions too.

Podcasts are a really great hobby for people who love to talk and chat. If you pick the right topic, you can have so many things to talk about. For example, I love to listen to podcasts about blogging and self-improvement.

Making Videos

Next up on our list of hobbies for extroverts, we have videos. By this, I mean streaming or making YouTube videos. Making videos take way more social skills than you might think. You have to talk to the public even if they aren’t right in front of you.

Streaming is even harder. You have to interact with people as you go along. Yet, if you are an extrovert, that might be exactly what you are looking for. You can talk to just a few people or thousands of them at a time. If you’re good at it, you’ll be gaining friends faster than you can count!

Learning Languages

Learning languages is a great hobby for extroverts. First of all, why learn a language if you have no plans to use it? Extroverts are more likely to go out there and seek people speaking that language. You can learn a language far faster if you are working with other people who speak it too.

When you are learning a language, it is also possible that you have to travel to hear it spoken more naturally. As an extrovert, you can easily integrate yourself into this new community. You can learn the language by immersing yourself in a new culture. I’m sure the experience of learning a new language will be way more fun if you have friends that speak the language too.


Volunteering is the perfect way to meet new people. You’ll meet people who care about similar beliefs if they are volunteering for the same thing. Because of that, you’ll find lots of things in common with your new volunteering friends. Working together on a project can really bring people together.

Volunteering is also a great way to help your community. Whether you are helping animals at your local shelter or giving out water at a marathon, your help is always appreciated!


What better way to make new friends than to shoot little balls of paint at them? I mean, that is the most extroverted way to make friends that I can think of. But paintball is a really great bonding experience. You can bring your friends along to have a fun time or meet people there. Either way, it is perfect for spending time with other people.

This activity is also a high-energy experience. You need to focus on your surroundings at all times and communicate with your teammates without giving out your signals to the other team. Paintball is perfect for making lasting friendships.

Being an extrovert isn’t always easy. You need to interact with others to feel energetic but not that many opportunities arise for you to meet new people and hang out with friends, especially as an adult. Why not try out a new hobby to get yourself out there? The hobbies for extroverts in the list above are perfect for you if you are looking to make new friends and spend some quality time with them. Good luck!

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Hi, I'm Arianna!

I teach people just like you how to pursue their hobbies in a world that values work over passion! I live in Canada with my loving family and 2 cats. If my nose isn’t stuck in a book, you’ll probably find me painting, or cooking, or whatever other hobby I am working on that week! Why pick one when you can have them all?!

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