Amazing Hobbies to Try for Introverts

Amazing Hobbies to Try for Introverts
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Some people just need hobbies for introverts! It can be hard to be an introvert in this extroverted world. Everything is geared toward extroverts! I know first-hand how exhausting it is to interact with other people, but the world expects us to be amazing talkers to succeed. Interviews, school presentations, and more. We are constantly being judged and graded on our extroverted tendencies. How can we survive in this extroverted world that expects so much from us?

Introverts need to have time to themselves to recharge. After going to parties or shopping, you always come home exhausted because you had to interact with so many people. When you get home, you just want to destress and unwind. This list is for you! Check out these hobbies for introverts!


The first thing that comes to mind when I think of unwinding is reading. It is one of the best hobbies for introverts. You get to spend some time by yourself immersed in a different world where you control everything. If you want the story to stop, you simply stop reading.

Reading provides you with a safe environment away from others. The best part about reading is that you can avoid other people just by showing them your book. They tend to stop talking to you once they see you are busy. (However, not everyone stops talking! You have to watch out for those extroverts that can’t catch a hint!)

If you are looking for some book recommendations or to feel connected to other readers, check out my reading section of the blog!


Knitting and crocheting are great for relaxing. You don’t have to think about the activity too much as you do it. Your hands can just keep moving. It is really great for when you’ve had a long day and you just want to sit in peace. You can crochet or knit while calmly thinking about whatever it is you want to.

As a bonus, you also get an end product. You might have made a hat, a scarf, or something else. You can decide to keep your new apparel or give it to someone else. Either way, you got to relax and enjoy a little bit of alone time while making it.


Puzzles are perfect for winding down. Because puzzles require a certain amount of concentration, you don’t have to worry about anything other than solving that puzzle. It can help take your mind off of all your problems for a few hours. Puzzles are great for getting out of your head.

While putting a puzzle together, you get to be by yourself for a few hours and just relax. You will have to go back and talk to people eventually, but puzzles give you enough time to enjoy being in your own space and to be with your own thoughts.


Introverts aren’t necessarily hermit crabs. A lot of us still want to have friends and hang out with them. It’s just exhausting and a little scary when bigger crowds are involved. We still want to be able to tell others how we feel. Blogging is one of the best hobbies for introverts in that sense.

Blogging allows us to tell others how we feel without being interrupted for once. We don’t have to fear someone judging us for what we say. You get to tell the world what you are passionate about without having to stand in front of a huge audience. There are other ways to make your voice heard, and this is one of them!


Painting is one of my favourite ways to relax. I finally get some time to express myself without having to scream over everyone else. When you are painting, you get to be in your own little world. Nothing that you don’t want on the canvas has to be there. Everything is up to you!

Painting is one of those things that you can just let loose and create whatever you want. Don’t worry about the final product or how it looks. It is only for your eyes (unless you choose to share). Just let go of the stress and paint until your heart’s content.

If you want to learn more about painting, click here!


Photography is one of those things that you can do on your own without having to worry about others. You can find whatever you think is beautiful or meaningful and photograph it. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. It is all your own!

Photography gives you an excuse to get outside and explore nature by yourself. You don’t have to suffer through small talk as you walk around the block. You can drive to a nearby park and take pictures of the ducks in the pond or something like that. Photography is a great hobby for spending some time alone and expressing yourself artistically.


Not everyone has a green thumb. I know that I don’t! Yet, I still love to buy the occasional plant and watch it grow. (Lavender is the best!) You don’t need to grow enough to fill the whole front yard with flowers and vegetables. You can grow one or two plants in little vases in the house if that is what you prefer.

Gardening can give you that sense that you are not alone. There is still something that you have to take care of other than yourself, but they don’t drain you the way people do. Gardening is soothing. You get to watch as everything you planted blooms. It is a great way to unwind and to feel accomplished!


One of the hobbies for introverts is playing the piano. No, you won’t be an expert overnight. It takes time, but no one else will hear it. Playing the piano is so relaxing and rewarding once you finally learn how to play that song you’ve been practicing.

Your music is just for you. You don’t have to share it or fear that someone else is going to hate it. It is a great way to spend your alone time and to really express your emotions. Playing piano can help you recharge before you get back to interacting with others.


Running might seem like one of those things that still require lots of energy, but your energy is used for something other than interacting with people. The energy is expelled in a productive way instead of just making you feel bad about not wanting to interact with others.

When you are running, you can choose where you want to go. You can pick your own music. And the best part, you don’t have to talk to other people. When you’re running, you don’t have to go to populated areas. Running gives you the opportunity to spend some time alone and to go where you want and listen to what you want. You get to make all the decisions!


The last of the hobbies for introverts is repurposing. When you are repurposing items and furniture, you have lots of time to yourself. It is essentially a large crafting project. You can create new furniture and decorations with your own supplies.

Repurposing gives you a sense of accomplishment. You created something completely new out of something else! Repurposing allows you to spend time alone and to have fun while doing it. Your apartment or house will look great too. If you want to try something new that gives you an excuse to stay home, try repurposing!

Introverts need hobbies too! You need time to unwind and destress from your daily life where you have to pretend to be an extrovert to survive. The hobbies listed above are perfect for introverts. They allow you to spend time by yourself and to express yourself creatively. Try some of these hobbies out to unwind after a long day. Have fun! Tell us which hobbies are your favourite in the comments!


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Hi, I'm Arianna!

I teach people just like you how to pursue their hobbies in a world that values work over passion! I live in Canada with my loving family and 2 cats. If my nose isn’t stuck in a book, you’ll probably find me painting, or cooking, or whatever other hobby I am working on that week! Why pick one when you can have them all?!

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