How to Bullet Journal Even If You Can’t Draw

how to bullet journal even if you can't draw
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Not being able to draw does put you at a disadvantage when bullet journaling. A lot of bullet journalers these days are also artists (or at least the ones you see on social media). They have years of practice doodling, painting, etc. But when it comes to your bullet journal, you want it to look the same as theirs. Fortunately, there are ways to make your bullet journal look just as great as the professionals, even if drawing isn’t a skill of yours!

Bullet journaling has really advanced in the past couple of years. We have so many tools now designated to make our bullet journals as beautiful and effective as possible. Those same tools can be what helps you to create some amazing spreads. So let’s get into it! Here are ten ways you can bullet journal without needing drawing abilities.

Use Stencils

Stencils are a great way to make your bullet journal look incredible without actually having to draw anything!

Stencils come in all shapes and sizes. You can have some to create monthly spreads, weekly spreads, habit trackers, and the list goes on. With stencils, you don’t have to limit yourself to what you can draw. Your horizon just got a lot wider!

Amazon has so many stencils to choose from! Etsy has some too! You can have simple ones that help you outline your spreads and create pretty lines. You can also have spreads that help you draw little drawings and symbols to make your journal pretty and helpful.

By using stencils, your bullet journal can be everything you want it to be. No drawing skills are required!

Try Stickers

Stickers are the perfect solution for someone who can’t draw!

Stickers give you the opportunity to have amazing art in your bullet journal without actually having to draw, paint, or create anything. Your journal won’t ever look dull again!

Stickers are probably the best way to make your bullet journal look like that of the professionals. A lot of bullet journalers sell their spreads in the form of stickers so that you can recreate their layouts too. For example, Julianne Doodles, a bullet journaler on YouTube, has an Etsy account where she sells her stickers.

Trust me! You won’t be at a lack of stickers. Etsy sells so many great ones from amazing artists. And of course, you can find some great stickers on Amazon too.

Use Washi Tapes

Washi tapes are a bullet journaling favourite! Plenty of people choose to put washi tape in their journals to add a pop of colour or some design elements into their spreads. You can too!

Washi tapes come in all different sizes, colours, and designs. You won’t ever be lacking a unique washi tape, which is great because it can be used to replace drawings.

Bullet journal spreads don’t have to be super complicated and overly designed. Sometimes just an outline or a little bit of colour in the corners of the page are exactly what a spread needs to make it look beautiful. Washi tape can add some extra pizzazz to your spreads!

Washi tape is great because you can layer them too. You don’t have to be stuck with one colour or one design throughout your spreads. You can get a little creative and make some amazing layouts!

Keep It Simple

Sometimes the best way to bullet journal if you can’t draw is to keep it simple. Minimalist spreads and layouts can be lovely if you give them a chance.

Minimalistic spreads are a look of their own. They are so classic and aesthetically pleasing! And the best part is that you wouldn’t have to draw at all!

Minimalistic spreads might not be where your heart lies at first but give it a chance. You might end up liking the look more than you thought you would.

A minimalist style doesn’t mean you can’t have colour and designs. You can still add lots of elements to make your bullet journal your own. It simply means that you don’t have to go crazy with the designs. Keep it simple!

Try Printables

Printables are a great alternative to drawing! For those of you who don’t know, printables are sheets of paper that bullet journalers create so that you can print them out and use them. They can easily be added to a binder or glued right into your bullet journal.

Printables are a life-saver! Other people create these amazing bullet journal spreads and all you need to do is print them out.

You’ll find them all over Etsy and on bullet journaler’s blogs. There are also lots of YouTubers who create digital versions of their bullet journal themes which you can easily access. That way, you can have a bullet journal that looks just like the professionals.

For example, Art n Foxes (a great bullet journaler on YouTube) allows you to access digital versions of her bullet journal themes on her Patreon. So go check that out if you are interested!

Use Patterned Paper

Sometimes washi tape doesn’t cut it. That’s where patterned paper comes in!

There are so many beautifully designed sheets of papers out there. Amazon has thousands to choose from and your local craft store probably has lots too.

All you need to do is cut some paper and glue it into your journal. It makes your bullet journal look amazing! I used some patterned paper at the beginning of my bullet journal. It still made it look beautiful with very little effort on my part.

Scrapbooking paper is perfect for bullet journalers. It adds some extra colour and design to your bullet journal. No drawing is necessary!

Use a Digital Journal

A digital journal might just be the answer to your problem!

Bu using a digital journal, you can create beautiful spreads without needing to draw. Your computer or tablet makes creating boxes and spreads as easy as possible. Then all you need to do is add some extra images and stickers onto your design and you are set!

Digital journaling isn’t quite as easy to get used to as bullet journaling on paper but once you get used to it, it can be so much easier!

There are some great apps and programs out there to help you create your digital journal. Canva is one of my favourites! It’s super easy to use and comes with lots of stickers. You can also use Procreate or Photoshop.

Print Some Pictures

A great alternative to drawing is to use pictures! Lots of bullet journalers wouldn’t think their bullet journal was complete without pictures.

The pictures you use don’t necessarily have to be of you. You can just as easily print out pictures of animals, nature, etc.

If you like monthly themes for your bullet journal, you can use themed pictures too. Let’s say you want a beach theme. You simply need to print some beach pictures and maybe use a sand-coloured marker. With that, your monthly bullet journal spreads are ready to go!

There are plenty of printers to help you with this. The Canon SELPHY Square QX10 Compact Photo Printer is the one that’s recommended by the professionals.

Try a Different Medium

Drawing might not be for you but that doesn’t mean all other kinds of art should be off-limits. It’s possible that you might end up loving a different medium of art. You never know until you try!

Lots of bullet journalers choose to paint instead of drawing. Drawing might not be something you like doing but you might enjoy painting.

When you paint in your bullet journal, it doesn’t have to be complicated. Sometimes just a splash of watercolour paint behind your title or as an outline for your spread can liven up your bullet journal!

Don’t get stuck on the idea that bullet journaling can only be done one way. There are plenty of ways that you can design your journal.

Work With Tutorials

Last but not least, try working with tutorials. Personally, this one is my favourite!

Bullet journaling is all about self-improvement, whether that’s to keep up with your to-do lists or to stay on track with your habits. So why not add one more thing that bullet journaling can help you improve?

Drawing might not be something you are great at right now but with enough practice, you can be creating some amazing bullet journal spreads. The only reason that bullet journalers on social media have such beautiful content is that they have had lots of practice.

You can achieve the same things if you give yourself a chance. Try working with tutorials! No, it might not come out exactly the same but you can still create something beautiful.

In All,

Bullet journaling without drawing abilities is possible! You can create some amazing spreads that you feel good about by using washi tapes, stickers, printables, etc. Anyone can bullet journal as long as they have the right tools!

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Hi, I'm Arianna!

I teach people just like you how to pursue their hobbies in a world that values work over passion! I live in Canada with my loving family and 2 cats. If my nose isn’t stuck in a book, you’ll probably find me painting, or cooking, or whatever other hobby I am working on that week! Why pick one when you can have them all?!

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