5 Remarkable Signs That You Should Be a Painter

signs you should be a painter
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Painting has never been easy or we would always be painting. The problem is that the difficulty of painting can keep people from ever trying it. Therefore they never know if they could have developed some amazing skills. A painter is only someone who puts in more effort than others. They kept trying regardless of the difficulties and obstacles.

It might not be obvious to you if you should start painting because you don’t want to put in all that effort if it will lead to nowhere. Check out these remarkable signs to find out if you are meant to be a painter!

You Are Doodling All the Time

The easiest way to tell if you should be a painter is if you love to doodle. The first step to painting is drawing. You usually have to have some artistic abilities before you can start painting well. It just comes with the job description.

You are far more likely to create quality paintings if you are already working on improving your art skills. By doodling, it shows that you already have some of the skills necessary to paint. You are showing that you are artistic and want to get better at art.

Doodling, especially when you are doodling a lot, is a clear sign that you should try painting. Your artistic skills are already there. You have the basics already down. What are you waiting for?!

You Pick Out the Colours in Your Surroundings

When I first started painting, I began looking at all the colours around me. There were suddenly colours popping out at me at all times. I would go for a walk and try to pick out all the shades of green in the leaves. Or I would look to the sky and try to discover which blue it was.

It is a really good sign that you should be a painter when you start looking for the colours in your surroundings like I was.

When you are painting, mixing and creating the right colours is particularly hard. There are so many variants to each colour. For example, blue can be dark, like navy blue, or light, like sky blue. When you start looking for the colours around you, it’s a sign that you are ready to start creating colours with paint.

Looking for colours in your surroundings is a sign that you should be a painter!

You Love Photography

There are a lot of hobbies, like doodling, that signify that you are ready to paint. Photography is one of those hobbies! Taking photos is the first step to creating paintings in your head.

When you start to take photos, you are starting to think artistically and create pictures in your head. You can imagine how the photos come out even before you take the picture. You are inadvertently creating your own artistic mindset.

This creative mindset is also great for figuring out the lighting and colours in a scene. Your previous experience with photography will work out great for when you go to create realistic paintings.

A big benefit to photography is also that you have plenty of material to work with. When you start painting, you’re probably going to need a whole bunch of inspiration for painting. The pictures you took provide you with lots of options!

You Love to Make a Mess

Making a mess is pretty much exactly what happens when you start painting. I used to get paint everywhere, including on the floor and on my easel (and occasionally on my face). I’ve always been known for making a mess with practically anything I do.

If you love to make a mess, it might be a sign that you should be a painter! Painting is messy! No matter how you like to paint, it’s going to create some paint splatters.

Making a mess is a good start to abstract painting. Yes, some abstract paintings can be clean and simple, but most of them have plenty of paint and a lot of fancy and messy paint strokes. If you love to make a mess, you might just love to make abstract art.

Making a mess is a good sign that you should be a painter!

You Have an Artistic Soul

Ultimately, the best sign that you should be a painter is if you have an artistic soul. You’ll know if you have an artistic soul if you love art and you create artistic things. For instance, you might love to make collages, drawings, crafts, or something else. It doesn’t matter what you love to create as long as you think creatively.

Having an artistic soul comes before painting because you kind of need to be able to think artistically before you can paint. If you have are not able to think like a painter, you might not be meant to be one. I’m not saying you can’t still paint or that you can’t develop a creative way of thinking. It’s just going to be much harder for you to start!

At one point in their life, everyone has thought about painting. You might have thought you would be terrible at it or you never gave it a try. But everyone can paint! Even if you can’t tell if painting is for you just yet, here are a few signs that you should be a painter! I hope to hear about what made you want to paint in the comments!

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Hi, I'm Arianna!

I teach people just like you how to pursue their hobbies in a world that values work over passion! I live in Canada with my loving family and 2 cats. If my nose isn’t stuck in a book, you’ll probably find me painting, or cooking, or whatever other hobby I am working on that week! Why pick one when you can have them all?!

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