10 Great Hobbies to Help You Grow as a Person

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Everyone is looking to grow themselves as a person nowadays. We want to realize where our faults lie and where we need to grow. We all want to be better people. It’s not always obvious how to make that happen. We try so many new things to get there, but not everything works. That’s why we have hobbies to help us grow as a person!

There are so many ways to grow that you might have never thought of before, but you do need to work on yourself to achieve self-improvement. Here are some great hobbies to help along your journey to self-improvement and becoming a better person!


Yoga is one of the most obvious hobbies when it comes to self-improvement. It has both physical and mental components to help you become a better person.

First of all, the physical part of yoga is great for your body and mind. By actively participating in yoga, you are making a conscious decision to improve yourself, which is really empowering in itself. You are putting in the effort to improve. When it comes to self-improvement, that effort is the most important part.

There are also so many benefits to yoga. You will be physically fitter because you are working out. Being in better shape is always a great bonus, but yoga is also great for the mind. It helps you to calm your mind and engage in a meaningful activity. Most people who seek out yoga are looking to exercise their bodies as well as their minds.

Yoga is a great hobby for self-improvement in both your body and mind!

Bullet Journaling

You shouldn’t be surprised that I added bullet journaling to this list. I am a big fan of journaling! It’s the perfect hobby to help you to grow as a person.

Bullet journaling is intended to help you organize your life, but there is way more to it than just that. This type of journaling also includes a way to track habits, such as how much water you drink, if you take your vitamins, and if you read that day.

However, you can also track habits that make you feel like a better person. For example, if reading a novel every day makes you feel better then that is what you should be tracking. By tracking your habits, you’ll soon find yourself improving.

If tracking habits isn’t your thing, you can easily use your journal to write down how you feel. Writing down your feelings and the events of the day is a great way to work through any stress or troubles you might be having.

Essentially, bullet journaling is the ultimate hobby for self-improvement!


Okay, gardening might not be on the top of your list, but it is a great way to improve yourself!

Gardening is the easiest way to start taking care of something other than yourself. A lot of us aren’t at a stage in our lives where we are caring for other people. Plants are the first step to that. You might not be ready for a dog or a child, so plants are the way to go!

By taking care of something other than yourself, you are required to grow. To keep the one thing that depends on you alive, you need to take responsibility for it. You need to water it, make sure it gets sunlight, and maybe even give it some fertilizer.

Depending on what you plan to grow, you might even start making your own food. Making your own food is a great way to take responsibility for yourself and your needs.

Gardening is perfect for growing and taking responsibility for yourself and another living thing! Plants can also make good friends if you let them.


In the same manner as gardening, cooking is one way to take responsibility for yourself and your needs. The act of cooking shows that you are ready to care for yourself.

When you put more effort into cooking, you are really growing as a person. By being able to cook yourself a meal and being able to make whatever you want to eat, you show that you have become an adult. Adulting 101 states that you need to know the basics of cooking.

Cooking is the number one way to show that you are grown enough to take care of yourself and your family. You are taking responsibility for your necessities instead of putting it off on someone else, like a restaurant or a parent.

If you are looking to show others that you have grown as a person, your cooking skills are one way to prove you have improved.

Listen to Podcast

Podcasts provide us with so many resources to grow! There are podcasts for practically everything. If you want to hear stories about crime or learn some new facts, there are podcasts for that. You’ll seldom run out of options!

The best podcasts for self-improvement involve changing your mindset and finding new ways to think about things. The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes is one of my favourite podcasts for self-improvement. It has some great information on how to improve yourself in a lot of areas of life.

There are plenty of other podcasts for changing your mindset and living a happier life. If you are looking for some help and you don’t know how to improve, podcasts are a great start.


Similar to podcasts, books have plenty of resources to help you improve yourself. There are hundreds of books at the bookstore with self-help topics. If you are looking for something to improve, there is a book for it.

If you really have no idea how to grow as a person, books are a great place to start. They can give you the stepping stones to improving.

Let’s say you want to become less shy (I don’t think there is anything wrong with being shy. It’s just an example). There will be plenty of books out there to help you feel more confident. But the best part is that it gives you some ways to improve. Unlike some other hobbies, this takes a more direct approach to explain how you can change.

If you are the kind of person who needs a little more direction, reading might be exactly what you need. They will provide you with the guidance you need to improve the areas of yourself you want to work on.


Meditation is great for you and your self-improvement. It is meant to help you discover inner peace and to find a nice calm inside yourself.

Meditation is one way to take some time for yourself where you don’t have to stress about anything. You allow your thoughts to flow without judgement, which is a great way to grow as a person. By not allowing your negative thoughts to overrun your mind, you are taking control of life and living more positively.

When you take the time to calm your mind, you are allowing yourself time to figure out what you want and how you want to act. You are purposefully taking action and choosing your own life course! Meditation is the perfect hobby for self-improvement and growth!

Public Speaking

Not everyone loves to speak in public. I know it has never been the highlight of my day, but we all need to speak publically every once in a while. You might have a project to present in school or you have a big presentation at work. Whatever it is, there will always be times when you have to speak in public.

By working on your public speaking skills, you are in fact growing as a person. You will slowly start to feel more confident in your skills, which will surely leak into other areas of your life. Improving your presentation skills is great for making yourself feel more assertive and recognized. You are important! You might just need some newfound confidence to see that!

With all of the new confidence you have, you might just find that other areas of your life are going well too. If you present more confidently at work, maybe you’ll finally get that promotion you have been waiting for. Or maybe you gave an amazing presentation that raises your GPA to a point where you start to consider grad school.

There are so many ways that improving your public speaking abilities can help you grow as a person!

Documentary Watching

Documentary watching is one way to start learning about things you had no idea existed. An important part of self-improvement is knowledge. And documentaries have so much to teach you!

Documentaries carry stories of the past and information we need to learn now. There might be some crucial information in those documentaries that you didn’t know you needed.

Let’s say you watch a documentary about farms and the inhumane treatment of animals. That documentary might be exactly what you needed to hear to start campaigning to help those poor animals. You might have never found your cause without it.

Videos and movies can provide you with so much information on stuff you needed to know. Documentaries can be great sources for self-improvement!


In my opinion, the best way to grow as a person is to help others. Life was never meant to be about one person. We are a community and we should be acting like it.

When you go out of your way to help someone else, you’ll see how good it feels to be of use. You were able to make that person’s day, maybe even their life, better, which is incredibly rewarding in itself!

By helping others, you are proving to yourself that you are in a good enough place to offer assistance to others. And that can be a really powerful thought when you think about it. Your life is stable enough that you are now able to help others achieve that same stability and happiness.

Volunteering is a great way to grow as a person because you are putting others before yourself. This altruistic nature is a huge component of self-improvement and thinking of yourself as a better person.

We all need to improve ourselves and to become better people. We must be always working on improving ourselves for the better for the sake of the people around us and ourselves. However, it isn’t always obvious how we actually grow. These hobbies to help you grow as a person are just what you need to feel better in your own skin and to become a better person.

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10 Responses

  1. I’m *so* not in my twenties, and I’ve tried a lot of these at one time or another, but I’d never thought of bullet journaling as a way to track my habits. I’ve always thought of it as an organizing thing. It’s a cool idea. Do you have a bullet journal or system that you recommend?

    1. Bullet journaling as a means of keeping track of your habits is pretty popular actually. I use habit tracking spreads (having a few monthly goals that you mark when you’ve completed them for the day). It is a great help! I highly recommend trying it out. When you are aware of your habits, you are more likely to complete them.

    1. We all have to give ourselves more credit for all the effort we have put in so far. We aren’t the same people we were before. And we will just continue to grow!

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Hi, I'm Arianna!

I teach people just like you how to pursue their hobbies in a world that values work over passion! I live in Canada with my loving family and 2 cats. If my nose isn’t stuck in a book, you’ll probably find me painting, or cooking, or whatever other hobby I am working on that week! Why pick one when you can have them all?!

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